Our respsonsibility
As a successful, globally active group of companies, we see it as our duty to make our contribution to sustainable development in the fields of environmental, economic and social action.

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Field of Action
As a company group with a focus on plastics and stainless-steel trading, we see it as a special duty to work towards the responsible use of these materials and other finite resources.
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Field of Action
In this field of action, we deal with topics such as innovation and quality, but also with honest advertising, fair competition, value creation and payment as well as regional commitment.
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Field of Action
Social matters
Here, everything revolves around people. Starting with the observance of human rights, the health and diversity of our employees and dealing with demographic changes.

Sustainable corporate governance
Stability and growth
The Feddersen Group now comprises more than 30 group companies. Our ambition is to achieve steady, organic growth derived from our strategy in the business fields we work in. For us, growth is not an end in itself, but must always be accompanied by an improvement in market position and productivity.
You have questions?
Our Corporate Social Responsibility department will be happy to support you.