Stability and growth

With a worldwide turnover of more than 867 million euros p.a., we maintain a group equity ratio of over 50 %. This enables us to act independently in the market.


Numbers & Facts

Long-term approach for security

Group turnover
Icon euro sign
in the year 2021 in Mio
Equity ratio more than
Icon percent
Group companies in
Icon Building
countries worldwide
“The financial stability and independence of the Feddersen Group is the fundamental requirement for making the right business decisions.”

Volker ScheelManaging Director of K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH

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Courtsafe organisation

Business follows structure

We always provide our services based on a court-proof, resilient and established organisational and operational structure. Documented structures together with procedural and work instructions, binding principles of management work and the systematic analysis of risks complement our measures. For the development of new business fields and the regional expansion of existing ones, we always follow the principle: business follows structure. We thus ensure that sustainable business success and the ability to provide services are not jeopardised by organisational or structural weaknesses or omissions.

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Risk management

Your reliable partner

We always systematically analyse, document and evaluate risks in order to be aware of the dangers of each business. We do not enter into any risks that could endanger the existence of individual business areas or the group of companies if they were to occur, either on their own or in combination with existing risks. Only in this way can we ensure that we are a long-term and reliable partner for our clients and employees.

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Supply Chain and Human Rights

Human Rights Policy Statement

Compliance with human rights is essential for us. We are committed to this not only in our Code of Conduct. Our Human Rights Policy Statement provides information on how we accept responsibility, identify and minimise risks, and enable complaints.


Our whistleblowing system

Do you have reason to doubt our commitment or do you even know of specific misconduct and maladministration within the Feddersen Group?
About our whistleblowing system
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