For the sake of the environment
As a company group with a focus on plastics and stainless-steel trading, we see it as a special duty to work towards the responsible use of these materials and other finite resources.

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Energy and Environmental Management
Internal environmental standards
The reduction of hazardous substances and emissions as well as the responsible handling of non-biodegradable waste are of particular importance to us. For this reason, we have defined our own internal environmental standards in such a way that they noticeably exceed the minimum required by law. In addition, three of our companies meet the requirements of the DIN EN ISO 14001:2015 standard. We ensure the effectiveness and implementation of our environmental policy, as well as our environmental goals and programmes, through regular checks, training and documentation. All external companies working at the site are also informed about our environmental guidelines and included in our activities.
Innovative, sustainable compounds
The future of our planet depends on the responsible actions of every individual. That's why the experts at BIO-FED, branch of AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH, develop innovative and application-oriented bioplastics. The portfolio includes biobased and biodegradable plastics.

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We support these projects
Careless disposal of plastics leads to significant environmental problems in some parts of the world. For this reason, we feel obliged to contribute to improving this situation outside of our organisation. K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH has been a partner of the Waste Free Oceans project since 2012, which works with a lot of social commitment to reduce plastic waste in the ocean. Furthermore, it is a supporting member of Viva con Aqua, whose goal is the worldwide supply of clean drinking water.
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Our busy bees
We are also active locally. That's why we have two bee colonies with a total of around 100,000 bees on the flat roof of our headquarters in Hamburg. Last year, they contributed to the preservation as well as the expansion of their own and our habitat and, quite incidentally, produced a sensational 51 kg of delicious Feddersen honey. All proceeds from honey sales were donated to the German Wildlife Foundation for wild bee conservation projects in Hamburg to support wild bees as well.