Feddersen Group

Our history

What began in 1949 as a small Hamburg trading company has today grown into an international group of companies.

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1949 - 1958

Our origins in trade

Karl Detlef Feddersen founded K.D. Feddersen & Co. in 1949 to trade in chemical products. The following year he acquired Norddeutsche Ueberseegesellschaft in Hamburg, a trading company for technical products. He recognised the signs of the times and added plastics to the portfolio in 1955, a material that was still quite new at that time. In 1968 he signed a distribution contract with the renowned HOECHST AG. In 1979, Voß Edelstahlhandel GmbH was added as a further business segment. It has central to the success of company group since then.
1958, 1985

K.D. Feddersen Foundation

Karl Detlef Feddersen established the K.D. Feddersen Foundation out of a desire to give something back to society and after his death in 1958 it became the sole owner of the group of companies. 1985: K.D. Feddersen Holding GmbH becomes owner of Feddersen Group. K.D. Feddersen Foundation, now sole owner of the holding, concentrates on its role as a non-profit public benefit organisation
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KD Feddersen Stiftung

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1992 - 2004

Our own plastics production

In 1992, the Feddersen Group took over Plastverarbeitung, founded in 1988 Eich, a manufacturer of special plastics from Niederzissen. Since 1992, the company has been operating as AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH and in 2002 it has already grown so much that it moves into a new, modern production facility. In 2003, AF-COLOR is founded as a branch office. Its speciality: masterbatches. In 2004, the production site AKRO Engineering Plastics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. is founded in Suzhou, China.

More about this business field
AF-Color Luftbild Firmengelände
AKRO-PLASTIC Panoramabild Firmengebäude
On the left, today's AF-COLOR; on the right, AKRO-PLASTIC's production facility, which was expanded in 2012.
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1998, 2003 - 2009

International Expansion

China, France, UK, Sweden – here we come!



Formation of K.D.F. Distribution (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in Shanghai, China



K.D. Feddersen GmbH & Co. KG acquires distribution rights for the French market, thereby creating K.D. Feddersen France



AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH establishes AKRO Engineering Plastics (Suzhou) Co., Ltd. as its manufacturing base in Tongli, Jiangsu



By founding Voss Stainless UK Ltd., Voß Edelstahlhandel GmbH & Co. KG establishes its first subsidiary



Acquisition of Materialdepån Norden AB, later renamed to K.D. Feddersen Norden AB, based in Värnamo, Sweden.



K.D. Feddersen UK Ltd. founded in Birmingham, UK.

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2009 - 2012

Manufacturing à la Feddersen

In 2009, FEDDEM GmbH & Co. KG is founded in Sinzig: Our expert for master-class extruders and compounding systems. The following year, AKRO Engineering Plastics Co., Ltd. moves into a new production facility in Wujiang, Suzhou, China. What is special: We ensure an identical production concept at all locations. In other words, uniform production conditions for consistently high-quality products.
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BIO-FED was founded in 2014 as a branch of AKRO-PLASTIC GmbH. It develops bio-based and biodegradable plastics, benefiting from the experience the Feddersen Group already have in plastics production.

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2012 - 2014

Diversification and expansion

In the 2010s, we founded like there was no tomorrow: K.D. Feddersen Vietnam Co., Ltd. in 2012, Vienna-based K.D. Federsen CEE GmbH in 2013, São Paulo-based AKRO-PLASTIC do Brasil Comércio de Polímeros de Desempenho Ltda. in 2014. In 2013, the Feddersen Group added toll compounding to its portfolio with the acquisition of PolyComp GmbH.

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2016 -2018

The expansion continues:

In 2016 K.D. Feddersen Singapore Pte. Ltd. is founded. In the same year, the Feddersen Group acquires the Swedish Forvema AB and thus enters into the Northern European plastics machinery market. In 2017 and 2018, two more companies are founded: K.D. Feddersen (Thailand) Co., Ltd. and K.D. Feddersen Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
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2018 - now

New paths with M.TEC, PROTEC and port F

The Feddersen Group is far from being at the end of its journey. We are still on track to expand our portfolio and seek new, innovative solutions.


2018: M.TEC

Our engineers for all cases - especially when it comes to plastics technology development!

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2020: PROTEC

Feddersen Group acquires majority stake in Norwegian machinery trading company PROTEC Scandinavia

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2021: port F

With port F, our Corporate Innovation Lab, we are looking for new, forward-looking business models.

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